American Hand N Foot


Question re. Best Card Game

January 9, 2020

Is it allowed to add wild cards to a book that is already completed? Wild Card, Flag or Joker to dirty (black) book or Flag only to clean (red) book?

That came up tonight as we were playing.




Hello AHNF best card game Player, greetings from the state of 10,000 lakes!

Thank you for your question. It’s always fun to hear from our game players as you play through these things and have a desire to check it out so everyone is playing the correct way!!

To answer your question: NO, you may not add Wild cards to already completed books. 

To help to clarify this for you, none of the Wild cards or Flag card may be played on a book once the book is completed/closed.
The only card that can be played on a completed book is a card that the book is made of. i.e… if your book is made of six’s and closed up you may add a six or six’s.

Part of the process of playing a hand a person may realize they have a lot of wild cards and this makes the individual think beyond the norm as to “how will I handle this” before my neighbor goes out! But, sorry, you may not add Wild cards to already completed books. In that same vein, you may not make a book of only Wild cards and you may not make duplicate books ( i.e. only one book of sixes).




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