American Hand N Foot

Is This Game Still Relevant?

Recently a very good long time customer came to our warehouse to pick up a number (6) of games.  During our exchange she questioned me about the game.  The question she asked is “is the game still popular”?  I was taken aback by this due to the fact she was picking up numerous games for different people which for me speaks to whether the game is still popular or not!

On the other hand, I suppose she doesn’t see the whole picture like we do so I will share some information with her and the rest of you.  We currently are shipping to 25 states in the US.  We have several customers who purchase multiple games for gifts and/or friends in a successful effort to save on the freight.  Wisconsin, which has been a leader in playing and loving this game, continues to support us and establish new areas of play!

New pockets of activity are springing up around the country including cruise ships, church groups, senior homes and others across the US from the state of Washington to Florida and Maryland to California and of course places in between.

Thank all of you for your support and the love you have shown, it is inspiring!

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